Happy House-iversary (Just keep swimming...)

Alright, let's reminisce about progress, so we can convince ourselves that we're not actually in this crazy diy time warp where nothing gets done. :) So, about a year from moving into the casita, let's take a little trip down memory lane.
First, we had a lot of demolition, like an uninhabitable amount. But, inhabit we did. And we gratefully showered all over Portland. (shoutout to all the shower providers out there!) Before and progress bathroom shots:

Floors were big, and a nice way to start off with some tangible improvement. All it took was a 3 day weekend and help from everyone we know. :)
The living room in general is much improved, and a pretty cozy place for relaxing...

 There's still more to do upstairs, but it's looking much better than we found it...
In short, the year has had lots of time-consuming, drawn-out projects, but the result is worth it! We are still working, slow and steady, and making our little house more like home!


  1. Love seeing your perseverance and gained knowledge of home improvement! You two are THE BOMB!

  2. Holy smokes, what a difference a little...lot of love, work and friends help can do. We can't wait to come up and help with the next project. See you soon!


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